The ISWC Service for Labels allows for the allocation of an ISWC code to a musical work by record companies prior to the release of a song.

During the process of releasing a new recording, a Label can submit information about each recording and the underlying work to the ISWC System. Using this information, the ISWC System will check to see whether the work already exists or if it’s new. In both scenarios an ISWC will be returned to the Label together with information about the creators. If it is a new work, the ISWC is allocated with a ‘Provisional’ status until the metadata is completed by CMOs/PROs or Publishers, and the ISWC is promoted to ‘Preferred ISWC’.

Terms and conditions are currently being drafted for the use of the service. Once complete, the service will be open in a ‘soft launch’ phase with a limited number of labels and submissions to monitor deployment, before it is widely made available to all labels.

Please register your interest via this form.

In the meantime, further technical information can be found on the ISWC developer portal.